Transport of orders

Transport of orders

Prices as follows:

Up to 5 kg - 5 euros

Up to 10 kg - 7 euros

Up to 20 kg - 10 euros

Up to 30 kg - 12 euros

Up to 50 kg - 16 euros

Up to 75 kg - 18 euros

Up to 100 kg - 20 euros

The prices shown are valid for orders with a maximum weight and volume of 100kg.Additional fees may apply if the order exceeds these limits.In such cases, we will contact you to discuss additional costs and find the best solution for your needs.

Our cooperation partners carry out transport all over Estonia, and the products are delivered to the front of the house. Within Tallinn, we can also help with delivery to the room, but this must be coordinated in advance via email

By Telephone 55635853-Tiina Holter 55635853-Tiina Hotler

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